Eren Design & Remodel

Irresistible Benefits of a Home Office


You might work from home once a week to plan your schedule in peace and quiet. You may conference call daily with colleagues across the globe. Or perhaps home is where you hunker down to knock out a project. No matter the reason, if you’re working from home, a home office is essential.

It’s a refuge, an inspiration hub – a space all your own. And the benefits of a home office are downright irresistible. 

The Tax Deductions

Hate forking over your hard-earned dollars to Uncle Sam every year? I feel you. With a home office, you can fork over a little less. There are a variety of home office deductions. Ask your accountant for the specifics. But ultimately, you can deduct any space you use regularly and exclusively for your business. 

This also means, if you have a home office, you can write off a percentage of your electricity, phone, and Internet. You can write off office expenses, such as your printer, paper, and ink cartridges. Every little bit adds up and can result in a surprisingly large total.

The 20-Step Commute

Okay. Your office might not be exactly 20 steps from your bedroom. But you get the idea. When you’re working from home – your commute is only as far as you have to walk. And even here in Tucson, where the traffic is relatively light, not commuting saves a lot of time and mental energy! 

The Carbon Footprint Reduction

Not commuting as often (or at all) also reduces your carbon footprint. You’re not using as much gas. And if you only have a home office, you aren’t using extra resources – like electricity – to maintain two separate spaces.

The Improved Work/Life Balance

Does work sometimes seem to take over your life? I can completely relate. Finding time to spend with loved ones can be difficult when you’re constantly running to the office. By working from home, you can spend all those extra hours cooking dinner with your partner, playing Chutes and Ladders with your grandkids, and going for a walk.

The Slipper/Flip-Flop Wardrobe

Slippers and flip-flops might not be your thing specifically. But you get the idea. When you work from home, the dress code is yours to set. If and/or when you have a video conference call, just throw on a nice shirt. You only need to be presentable from the waist up!

Let’s talk about how to create an office that’s function and beautiful.

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